About Me

Hello, and thank you for joining me in my little corner of the world wide web.

I'm Amanda, a 30 something year old Mammy of 3 beautiful princesses as well as many animal babies (cats. tortoises, dog, fish, bees). I am also the CEO (I love that term, are you imagining me in my tower right now?) of Bravura London, my other baby and passion.

Born in Wales, I moved to London for roughly 8 years but moved back to gods country when I started a family. I love living in Wales because nature, particularly the beach is very important to me, I spend as much free time as possible at the beach or in nature somehow.

While I love skincare, my passion also includes health and wellness. I am by no means any kind of expert but as a person who has suffered with depression, who's been a single mother, who's battled with weight and who eats waaaaay too much chocolate, I'd like to share the things that do work for me. I'm a vegetarian, I sometimes eat a little fish from time to time but not often. So a lot of the the things I enjoy are vegetarian or even vegan friendly.

Expect this blog to be random, if I love something, I will share it. Right now I'm crazingly loving a cat brush I'm using so I know I'm going to blog about it, if I like it, you'll know about it.

On the flip side, if I don't like something it's unlikely I'll share it here, if I'm asked about something I'll give my honest opinion but I like to keep everything positive.

I'm also extremely lucky to travel a lot with work, mainly within the UK and so I get to stay in lots of amazing hotels, this is something I'd like to share with you all too because if I love a hotel, I want everyone to experience it.

I'm not always regular with blogging but I like to use social media and you can follow a lot more of the things I do there. I'd love you to join me on my Facebook, Instagram or Twitter accounts. You're welcome to ask my opinions on anything there or skincare advice or even just pop over for a chat.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and I hope to connect with you soon.


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